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Happy Holidays from everyone here at Halpern & Associates!

Remember to be safe out there and let us know if we can be of any assistance.

Jason Halpern.


The Halpern name should be Synonymous with “Lawyer”. There are 10 Lawyers in the family and all working in Southern California. With hundreds of years in combined experience going back to the 1960’s, the Halpern’s have earned the respect of Angelinos and recovered millions of dollars for their clients. The Halperns have built a prestigious name in the Legal Community. As such, Halpern & Associates invites you to trust the firm with any Personal Injury matter. If you, a family member, co-worker, or friend has been involved in an injury causing incident, this truly is the Best firm to call.

Pictured above: Jason Halpern

  • Call me or text me immediately on my cell phone. The consultation is free. Do not waste your time with an office assistant or middle man. I will take your call myself.


  • Catostrophic Accidents
  • Brain Injury
  • Spinal Cord injury
  • Trip/Slip and Fall
  • Vehicle Accidents
  • Semi-Truck Accidents
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Pedestrian Accidents

Most motorcycle riders respect the laws and proceed with caution when riding their bikes. The problem with motorcycles in general is that they are less visible and hence more vulnerable. And although one can take every precaution, motorcycle accidents and deaths are more and more common every day in America.

  • There are more than 75% more motorcycles registered in America in the last 10 years.
  • In 2007, there were 5,000.00 deaths due to motorcycle accidents
  • Motorcycle riders are 35 times more likely to die in an automobile accident than a passenger in an automobile.
  • 75% of all motorcycle accidents involve another vehicle
  • The biggest cause of motorcycle accidents are other vehicles not identifying motorcycles in traffic.
  • 98% of all motorcycle accidents are NOT caused by issues with weather (rain, snow, etc.)

Understanding the above statistical data should help one understand how to avoid motorcycle accidents or at least be more precautious.


Since you spend the majority of your time at home and at work, the possibility of being injured in one of those places is higher than in some random spot around the city. When an injury happens at home or work, you have protocols in place to get help quickly. If you have to break your normal routine to go somewhere else, and you’re injured while you’re there, you might not be sure what to do. You may not have any friends or family nearby, but if the accident takes place within the state of California, Halpern & Associates in Los Angeles is ready to be your personal injury attorney.

We only practice personal injury law, so when you’re hurt while away from home, we know how to handle the legal process, no matter in what city or county you were when the accident happened. You may have tripped on an uneven sidewalk that a negligent owner had failed to fix for some time, or been struck by a falling object that someone had failed to secure. Hopefully witnesses were present when the injury occurred and someone called 911, but after your medical needs were addressed, you may...


When a person files a wrongful death suit following the passing of a loved one, the case will be handled in civil court. When you contact a wrongful death attorney at Halpern & Associates in Los Angeles, we will help you understand the difference between civil and criminal proceedings. Your loved one may have died as a result of a criminal act, but the civil case can begin before the accused party is tried and convicted in criminal court.

After the survivors file their claim, our goal is to help them recover as much compensation as possible. We understand that it could be difficult to concentrate on both a civil and criminal suit at the same time, but our mission is to help you receive fair judgement for your civil case. We practice personal injury law and cannot assist with the criminal case. The county or state is responsible for the prosecution of criminal acts.

We will provide the care and compassion that you need and deserve during this difficult time, so you can find as much peace as possible following the death of a loved one. If the criminal case has...


By now, hopefully everyone knows that distracted driving, such as texting or talking on the phone while you’re behind the wheel, can lead to extremely dangerous situations. Distracted drivers can miss stop signs, run red lights, and fail to yield, all because what is on their smartphone is more important than what’s happening on the road in front of them. If you’ve been injured in an auto accident that was caused by a distracted and negligent driver, the attorneys at Halpern & Associates in Los Angeles can aptly handle your case.

Many drivers use hands-free headsets and voice integration through their car to talk on the phone or text while driving. While this has made communicating while driving safer, there are still those drivers out there that take their eyes off the road to read a text or respond to a call. That split second of distraction can drastically change a person’s life. If that driver runs a light or fails to stop and crashes into another car, the other driver could sustain serious injuries. If it can be proven in court that the distracted driver’s...


In any slip and fall case, it must be proven that the property owner or management knew that a dangerous condition existed and did not act appropriately to remove the risk of a slip or trip. Everything from uneven sidewalks to wet floors can pose serious risks, and if a manager or owner doesn’t post the proper signage or clean up a spill in a timely manner, they leave the door open to someone being hurt on the premises and bringing an injury suit against them. At Halpern & Associates in Los Angeles, we’ve handled numerous slip and fall cases, and can expertly handle yours.

Wet floors can be present in several scenarios, such as a grocery store aisle or an office building entrance. If something spilled in the supermarket and no employee cleaned it up quickly, a customer could slip and fall, seriously injuring themselves. In an office building where several people are coming in and out during the day, moisture can be tracked in, especially on very rainy days. Also on rainy days, if a building’s gutters and downspouts aren’t properly carrying water away from the structure,...


Serious injuries that cause disfigurements, internal bodily damage, and lead to amputations are certainly going to have lifelong consequences for the affected person or persons. While it is unpleasant to think about, those that have suffered a serious injury face a very long, very hard uphill battle. At Halpern & Associates, we want to help personal injury victims live a normal and comfortable life, at least as much as that is possible.

Our team of attorneys only handles injury cases, not business law, wills and testaments, or any other area of practice. By focusing solely on injury law, we’re able to gain a better understanding of each case and situation, and work to achieve the greatest compensation for our clients. Those that have been severely injured will more than likely require multiple surgeries to repair the damage done to their body, and when the medical bills start coming in, we don’t want them to be crushed under the weight of debt. If their injury occurred because of the negligence of another person, it is imperative that you work with an attorney to...


In the past, when someone died due to the negligence or irresponsibility of another person, there could be no legal action taken by the family, because the tort could only be brought before the court by the injured person, but since the injured person had ultimately passed away, their claim died with them. Fortunately, every state now has a wrongful death statute so that family members and heirs can seek damages for the wrongful death of a loved one.

In California, the relatives, spouse, or descendants of the deceased person, known as the “decedent,” have two years with which to file a wrongful death claim. The attorneys at Halpern & Associates in Los Angeles can help you navigate the legal process of your case, and answer any questions you may have. In proving negligence in your case, it must be proven that the responsible party had a duty of “due care” to the decedent, and that they failed to fulfill that duty, leading to the person’s death. It must also be proven that there are damages to be recovered, such as funeral and burial costs, as well as loss of...


Traffic in the Los Angeles area is already thick enough during the first 11 months of the year, but when December arrives and holiday travelers hit the roads, it becomes even more of an issue. As you drive to and from houses of friends and family, it’s important to be alert and aware of all that is going on around you. Unfortunately, you can’t control what other drivers do, or what decisions they make before they get behind the wheel. It could be an out-of-state driver that isn’t sure where they’re going, or someone coming back from a holiday party, but if someone else hits you with their car and causes injury, you need an auto accident attorney that can properly represent you.

At Halpern & Associates, we’ve helped several clients that were injured during the holiday season due to the negligence or irresponsibility of another driver. Depending on where you are in California, road conditions can be a factor, and if someone is driving recklessly on wet pavement or following too closely and rear-ends your car, they are more than likely at fault for the accident that caused...


Now that Thanksgiving is behind us and the December holidays are fast approaching, more and more people will be heading to their local mall to find those perfect gifts. Stores are decorated with festive lights and colors, and people are hurrying here and there to find that next present. While the holidays are supposed to be fun and bright, there is an increased risk of slip and fall accidents during the busy shopping season. Not only do you have to worry about finding a spot in the parking garage, you also have to contend with thousands of other people once you’re in the stores. At Halpern & Associates in Los Angeles, we’ve represented many clients that were injured while at their local mall.

Store employees have many more responsibilities during the holidays, and loose carpet or spilled liquid might go unchecked for long periods of time while they attend to customers. However, this doesn’t excuse the store or mall management from the responsibility of posting adequate signage and ensuring the safety of every shopper in the building. A malfunctioning escalator can be...


A serious injury that has left a person disfigured, impaired, or with internal organ issues, will often create uncertainty for that person’s future. They’re not sure if they’ll ever walk or drive again, or enjoy the things they loved to do. At Halpern & Associates, we don’t want any of our clients to face an uncertain future and that’s why, as a personal injury attorney, we do all we can to make sure they’re taken care of financially and emotionally.

Financial insecurity can lead to intense stress, and we never want a client to become so stressed that they’re not sure what to do. We’ve handled many personal injury cases that involved severe back injuries, brain injuries, and permanent blindness. Because of the negligence of another person, our client’s future has been forever changed, and we don’t want that person to walk alone towards that future. Our team of attorneys will step up for you and make sure that you are properly represented.

Serious injuries have lifelong consequences, but those consequences don’t have to impact your life in such a way that fear...


When you have lost a loved one due to devastating injuries they sustained in a car accident, construction incident, or a serious slip and fall, it can be difficult to see how you will be able to move on following their death. You want to feel secure, both emotionally and financially, but any sense of security seems to be very far away. As a wrongful death attorney in Los Angeles, we’ve handled many tragic cases, and work to build a family-like relationship with our clients, honoring both their feelings and the memory of the one they’ve lost.

It can be difficult to watch a family member suffer from a serious injury, and if that injury eventually causes their death, it’s important that your family is able to cover medical bills, funeral costs, and living expenses that are incurred after the deceased’s income is lost. You may have been planning to contact an attorney to file a personal injury claim on your loved one’s behalf, but now that they’ve died, the case will become a wrongful death suit. The surviving spouse, domestic partner, or children of the deceased can file the...


As defined by Merriam-Webster, a tort is “an action that wrongly causes harm to someone, but that is not a crime and that is dealt with in a civil court.” As a slip and fall attorney in Los Angeles, it is our job to prove a negligence tort in all of our injury cases, showing that someone’s lack of care or irresponsibility led to our client’s injury. A slip and fall case is handled in civil court, where we strive to recover damages for your medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering.

While it wasn’t someone’s direct actions that caused you to slip and fall, they are still the responsible party due to their inaction or negligence, such as taking too long to clean up a spill, or not posting adequate signage near a broken or uneven staircase. With your case, we must prove that the individual or company had a duty to keep the property or area safe, that they failed to meet that duty, and because of that failure, you fell and were injured. Once we’ve proven that, it shouldn’t be difficult to recover damages for you, the client.

Slip and fall accidents happen every...


Even though the team at Halpern & Associates has handled many auto accident injury cases, it doesn’t mean that we utilize a “one size fits all” approach. We understand that there are certain laws and legal precedents that apply to every case, but we treat each client as a unique individual and take every aspect of their accident into account. We won’t skip any details or treat any evidence as unimportant, since one minute detail could have a great impact on your case.

As an auto accident attorney in Los Angeles, we take great pride in helping injury victims return to a normal life as soon as possible. We understand the consequences an automobile crash can have on an individual and their family, and that’s why we provide direct access to our attorneys, so you don’t have to be left waiting for an answer to a question. When we’re meeting with you, your case is the only thing on our mind, and nothing is more important at that moment. The client/attorney relationship is built on trust, and we work hard to maintain that trust.

If you’ve been in auto accident in LA, and...


When you’re involved in an accident, whether it’s at work, at home, or in public, your first priority should always be attending to your injuries and seeking medical attention. After that, you can take the time to assess what led to the accident, and whether or not someone else was at fault. As a personal injury attorney in Los Angeles, we’ve met with plenty of clients that felt unsure that they had grounds for a case, but after going over the circumstances of the accident, the testimonies of eyewitnesses, and any attached police reports, we were able to prove that another party’s negligence led to our client’s injuries.

Recovering damages from the responsible party or parties is essential, as you need to be able to pay medical bills and make up for any lost income due to the inability to work for a time. We know that the other parties involved in the case can be difficult to work with, and they may be trying to make you feel that you are partially responsible for the accident. We don’t want the stress and anxiety of reliving the accident to weaken your resolve, and that’s...


Taking care of a loved one’s funeral expenses can be overwhelming, especially on top of the emotional distress you’re experiencing following a death in the family. If your spouse or child was killed because of the negligence of another person, it is possible to file a wrongful death claim and receive compensation for those funeral and burial expenses. At Halpern & Associates in Los Angeles, we know how to navigate the process of a wrongful death suit, and will make sure that you and your family are taken care of following an untimely death.

There are often other expenses, besides funeral and burial costs, that are associated with a wrongful death case. There can be medical bills stemming from the deceased’s person’s final injuries and hospital stay, as well as lost income. We will work to not only recover damages for these costs, but for potential lost income from what the deceased would have earned, had they not been taken so suddenly. We understand the feelings and emotions that accompany a case like this, and handle every situation with...


Riding your bike, especially in a big city like Los Angeles, can help you save time and money, since you don’t have to rely on public transportation or buy gas for your car every week. However, with such a large number of vehicles on the roads and freeways, it’s important to be aware when riding your bike through traffic. At Halpern & Associates, we’ve handled many personal injury cases that involve bicycle accidents, and it’s important to know who caused the accident and what the circumstances were surrounding the incident.

Insurance companies will often cite the California Vehicle Code to determine if the cyclist was riding on the correct side of the road, and if they were obeying all traffic laws. If a driver hits a cyclist, can it be determined that the cyclist was visible and riding with the flow of traffic, or were they maneuvering in and out of traffic, riding on both the sidewalk and the street? In order to recover damages for your bicycle accident, we have to know who caused the incident and who is ultimately responsible.

If you’ve been hurt while riding...


Slipping and falling in a public place can be embarrassing, but if you’re seriously injured, the last concern on anyone’s mind should be embarrassment. If you’re in a mall or department store, and slip and fall due to the negligence of a store employee or maintenance worker, it’s imperative that you have your injuries attended to, take pictures of the place where you fell, and interview any witnesses that saw you fall. As a slip and fall attorney in Los Angeles, we can use anything of importance to help you recover damages.

Interviewing witnesses might seem a bit daunting, and if you’re hurt, you might not be thinking about how important it is to find out what others saw. If you’re with someone you know, ask them to talk to the people that witnessed the accident, and if possible, have them record the witnesses with their cell phone. If a loose step or wet floor caused you to fall, take a picture of the area, detailing what led to your injuries. That type of evidence can go a long way in proving that a store or the management company was at fault, and that you are entitled...


A motorcycle ride is an exhilarating experience, no matter if it’s your first or fiftieth time on a bike. You’re able to get out on the open road and enjoy the sunshine, putting hundreds of miles on the odometer in one day if you want to. However, nearly 10 percent of all roadway accidents in the US involve motorcycles, and approximately 100,000 motorcyclists are injured every year. It’s important to be alert and aware every time you start that bike, and be aware of what the other drivers around you are doing. If you’ve been injured while riding your motorcycle, come to Halpern & Associates in LA right away.

Since motorcyclists are less protected than those driving cars, they are at a much higher risk of being injured or worse, killed, in an accident. There are certain instances where a motorcyclist crashes on his or her own, but more than 50 percent of reported accidents involved another vehicle. Those driving the car or truck may not have seen the motorcycle, and merged into another lane or turned left, cutting the rider off and causing the accident. The motorcyclist...


Over the course of a day, most people will walk up and down a stairway, whether it’s the three steps off their front porch, or the twenty steps to the second floor of their office building. While your home stairs are your responsibility, the stairs in an office or public building are the responsibility of your employer or a management company. If you trip and fall down the stairs, it’s very possible that you could be seriously injured. Missing a step due to poor lighting or loose carpet can cause you to lose your balance and suffer broken bones, brain injuries, or worse. As a personal injury attorney in Los Angeles, Halpern & Associates understands how dangerous stairways can be.

We’ve handled many slip and fall cases that involved stairs, and will help you put together the pieces of your case. If a loose step, random piece of debris, or spilled liquid caused you to fall, it’s important to find out why it was there, and whose responsibility it was to repair the step or clean up the debris. Once you know that, you can file a personal injury claim against the responsible...


First and foremost, if you’ve lost a loved one recently, we want to extend our deepest condolences to you and your family. Losing someone close to you is never easy, and if they died because of the negligence or irresponsibility of someone else, you might be unsure what steps you can take legally. At Halpern & Associates, we take on wrongful death cases with an attitude of care and compassion, wanting to honor your loved one’s memory, while making sure you receive what is due to you.

In California, a wrongful death claim can be brought by the surviving spouse, domestic partner, or children of the deceased. If none from that list are able, anyone who would be entitled to the deceased person’s property, such as the parents or stepchildren, can file a claim. Those that file can often receive compensation for the value of household services, funeral and burial expenses, medical bills, and several other areas. Our attorneys will guide you through the legal process, always keeping your loved one’s memory at the forefront, working tirelessly to help you until your case is...


A slip and fall accident can happen anywhere at any time, and while some accidents can be blamed on personal negligence, there are many instances where the negligence of another leads to an injury. In some cases, an individual receives a traumatic brain injury and their life is dramatically changed. As a slip and fall attorney in Los Angeles, Halpern & Associates understands the severity of a brain injury, and will fight to help you or a loved one receive compensation for your pain and suffering.

In many of the brain injury cases that we’ve handled, it’s been proven that a business or on-duty employee was at fault for our client’s slip and fall. A misplaced “Wet Floor” sign or inadequate signage for an uneven stair step or drop off led to the client’s fall, and the negligent party was held responsible. We’ve taken on accident cases that have happened in office lobbies, grocery stores, and movie theaters, and will manage your situation with care and compassion.

With a slip and fall case, there are four areas of Negligence law that you must prove to recover...


Steve is driving home from work on a Monday evening, looking forward to a night at home in front of the TV, watching his favorite team play football. He’s invited some friends over, and should be home in time to get everything ready before they arrive. He pulls up to a red light, waits for it to turn green, then starts driving forward. Steve’s night suddenly changes as a driver coming from his left runs their red light and runs into the driver’s side door of Steve’s car. Time seems to slow down as Steve’s car spins from the impact, and the two vehicles come to a stop in the middle of the intersection.

The most important thing to do following an auto accident is to assess your injuries and those of any passengers in the car with you. The next step, if you are able, is to call the police and an ambulance. In Steve’s case, a driver’s side impact can be very serious, and he may not be able to access his cell phone. Hopefully the other driver, if aware, will notice that Steve cannot call for help and contact the authorities. Once they’ve arrived and everyone has been taken care...


After you’ve suffered an injury that was caused by the recklessness or negligence of another person, you most likely have many matters that need to be addressed. If you were seriously injured, you want the very best doctors to treat you, and if you have to learn how to walk or use your arms again, you want the very best physical therapists to work with you. When it comes to your injury case, it only makes sense that you would want the most experienced attorneys handling the matter. At Halpern & Associates in Los Angeles, our team has worked with countless personal injury clients, and will gladly speak with you about your case.

Our team handles all types of accident cases, including auto accidents, construction site accidents, and slip and fall injuries. Be sure to read through the Legal Services page that pertains to your case to gain more insight on what your rights are, and what you can expect in terms of compensation and damages. We understand that you sustained more than just physical injury in...
