When a person files a wrongful death suit following the passing of a loved one, the case will be handled in civil court. When you contact a wrongful death attorney at Halpern & Associates in Los Angeles, we will help you understand the difference between civil and criminal proceedings. Your loved one may have died as a result of a criminal act, but the civil case can begin before the accused party is tried and convicted in criminal court.

After the survivors file their claim, our goal is to help them recover as much compensation as possible. We understand that it could be difficult to concentrate on both a civil and criminal suit at the same time, but our mission is to help you receive fair judgement for your civil case. We practice personal injury law and cannot assist with the criminal case. The county or state is responsible for the prosecution of criminal acts.

We will provide the care and compassion that you need and deserve during this difficult time, so you can find as much peace as possible following the death of a loved one. If the criminal case has begun, but you want more information on pursuing a wrongful death claim in civil court, please contact us right away. A spouse, partner, child, or anyone that would be entitled to the property of the decedent can file a claim, and our legal team will help you understand what your rights are and what you can expect in terms of compensation. We’re ready and willing to speak with you as soon as you are.